Don’t Panic

Today is Wednesday and according to blog code this post should be “Wordless” but lets face it – blog code is like the Pirates Code – really more like guidelines.

mantra3photoSo tomorrow my kids have their last day of school. I will soon have a 8th grader, 6th grader and 4th grader. My kids will only attend an hour of school tomorrow because they and I will be leaving on a jet plane by noon for Texas.

I am taking them back to TX to attend our favorite day camp for kids with diabetes and their siblings. This will be our 5th year at Camp Bluebonnet. It has always been the highlight of our summer vacations.

I am thankful that we have this opportunity to go back and be with our friends.

Why the “Don’t Panic”?

Because I haven’t packed a thing!

I do have a list.

Nothing is checked off.

I did start collecting all the diabetes paraphernalia. Infusion sets – two kinds because my daughter is participating in a trial for a pump (not named because it’s a trial).Insulin cartridges – again two kinds. CGM supplies for the CGM my daughter is using for the trial. Test strips, Glucagon, ketone strips, lancets, extra meters, and batteries. Of course all of this is just piled up on the kitchen table.

The dogs need vaccinations before being dropped at the kennel. Their vaccinations expire the day we leave – really how did that happen?

I can’t find the chargers for the cameras and it seems I lost my memory card. Really?

Do I pack a carry-on bag for each child or a big suitcase – does United charge for checked bags??

I will need my laptop to upload camp pictures and put them on the camp website each night. Also – needed to Wednesday night tweet chat with DSMA – I sure hope a new chat room was put together – silly twitter wasn’t playing nice last week.

Ipads, DSs, phones, and all the chargers that go with them. Man my carry-on will be heavy.

Worst part – I’m getting on a plane and I have NO Xanax. Thus – the most important part of the “Don’t Panic” is me getting on a plane without the help of pharmaceuticals. Please let it be a smooth uneventful flight!

Wish us luck – send calming thoughts.


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